A Workout Plan Based On The Stations of the Cross For Lent

This is an exercise plan I developed for my fitness group during Lent. We meet at 5am on Saturdays near a church in my town and do our workouts at different parks and sites nearby.

NOTE: "coupons" refer to either a log/natural coupon (there is driftwood by the park) or jugs of water/sand.


Stations 1-3

The First Station: Pilate Condemns Jesus to Die

'Pilate'... in Latin 'Pill-ah-toe'... sounds like 'Pilates' to me! So we will borrow from BabyRuth and open with a few core exercises.

The Second Station: Jesus Accepts His Cross

Circle up and pass the coupons around the circle for 1 minute. 1 curl each arm then pass to the left.

The Third Station: Jesus Falls the First Time

Like Burpees but sit ups. Controlled fall to your rear, sit up, recover to feet and repeat.

Pair Exercises

Stations 4-8

The Fourth Station: Jesus Meets His Afflicted Mother

Inspired by this gesture of compassion, the PAX team up now. Count off/Pair Up.

The Fifth Station: Simon Helps Jesus Carry the Cross

As pairs, one PAX stands at the basketball court with the coupon. The other down range toward the swingset. The PAX at the court runs with coupon to the other PAX while that PAX is doing merkins. Upon arrival, PAX 2 collects the coupon and runs to the court. While PAX 1 does merkins. When PAX 2 arrives at the court they enter into planks until all are back in place. Repeat.

The Sixth Station: Veronica Offers Her Vail To Jesus

We will offer up some supported Merkins as a pair. Rest your legs on each other do 20 Merkins.

The Seventh Station: Jesus Falls The Second Time

Burpees! While partner crosses the court back and forth doing lazy inch worms.

The Eighth Station: Jesus Speaks to the Women

Assisted bear crawls, aka Wheelbarrows. Pair up. BBall court side-to-side one way then switch. At half-court. 5 Dirkins since you're already in that position anyway...

Team Exercises

Stations 9-14: Organize into two teams

The Ninth Station: Jesus Falls The Third Time

Honoring the journey their Lord took with the cross, the PAX will make these stairs their Scala Sancta (Holy Stairs).

Line up as two teams on either side of the middle hand rail. Each PAX must bear crawl up the stairs carrying the coupon with them. Once at the top they safely walk it down to the next PAX in line. Proceed to alternate between planks and baby crunches until all are finished. First team to complete wins and gets to take a break in the next station.

The Tenth Station: Jesus Is Stripped Of His Garments

Out of respect for their Lord, their dignity, and to avoid scandal the PAX will use this time to reflect upon their humility and appreciate the comforts they enjoy in their lives. 30 seconds of silent Thinkers.

The Eleventh Station: Jesus Is Nailed To the Cross

They stretched out his arms and nailed them to the cross.

Taking turns holding the coupon out at your side, first team to elevate at 90 degrees for 100 seconds wins. You may assist your team mate but don't take away the challenge.

The Twelfth Station: Jesus Dies Upon The Cross

The PAX perform a 1 minute silent Thinker to reflect upon their Lord's passion.

The Thirteenth Station: Jesus Is Taken Down From The Cross

Teams line up on their six length wise along the court. Lying on their backs they pass the coupon from the back of the line to the from. PAX in the rear must get up and move to the front. First team to the other end of the court wins.

The Fourteenth Station: Jesus Is Placed In The Sepulcher

The PAX return any natural coupons to their original resting places.

Prayer to Jesus Christ Crucified

My good and dear Jesus, I kneel before You, asking You most earnestly to engrave upon my heart a deep and lively faith, hope, and charity, with true repentance for my sins, and a firm resolve to make amends. As I reflect upon Your five wounds, and dwell upon them with deep compassion and grief, I recall, good Jesus, the words the Prophet David spoke long ago concerning Yourself:

“They pierced My hands and My feet; they have numbered all My bones.”